August 22, 2009


I wonder if blind people who have always been blind know what color is, even if they don't know the word for it?

Aside from that, this is the point.

My favorite color is blue. I think red symbolizes blood, death, or maniacism (is that the right word? maybe maniac-ness would fit better, IDK). Orange is bright and bold, beautiful and cunning. Yellow is happy, innocent, silly, naive. Green is life, movement, energy. Blue is calm, and has a complicated meaning that doesn't seem to fit into words. Purple is like the average person: not innocent, but better than you'd expect once you get to know them. White is unstained, unblemished; black is mysterious and unclear.

I have no idea why I am posting this, surprisingly. Well, my favorite is blue, and my second favorite is black.

I am very bored at the moment.

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